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I took a pic with sean paul and they call me a rapper?

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Published on: January 7, 2011

I took a pic with sean paul and they call me a rapper?

Whats that you say
about our brother J
hey thats my name
me a rapper no way!

A Path is Paved by Jalal ibn Sa’eed

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Published on: January 7, 2011

‘A Path is Paved by Jalal ibn Sa’eed’

When did life feel good that so many would die to live
where did death lose its effect that so many ceased to give
why did faith decipitate within our souls which wont forgive
how did we fall so low ignoring the eternal lifes incentive

Given the greyest clouds of deciet with the bleekest of hearts to lead
As a punishment for what our hands sent forth neglecting those who need
Bringing shame upon us all is the weakness within our hearts
Loving and endearing whats worthless is the dunyas shining parts

To wake from this slumber which covers the truth of our state
To rise from the slums of humiliation we first must choose our fate
Our Lord is one without any partner and the message sent so clear
Belief in this requires our actions to follow without any fear

A path is paved towards success in this life and the next
The revival of true faith in our lives from the devine text
Repentance is the key to worldly success defined by our Lord
Redemption is the outcome from humility of the sinners accord

ibn Sa’eed


Categories: My Daily Thoughts
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Published on: January 7, 2011


The generation can be lost and so can the earth as it is all part of the creation created not to last. But I am not lost so long as I know my return is to the One who created it flawed.

True happiness never has and never will come from within rather it is poured into us from Allah’s love when He guides us and brings us closer to Him. Within us is a corrupted jalalmoh, once pure, and will always need His forgiveness so to shine once more free from guilt and depression. Redemption is happiness.

Jalal ibn Sa’eed

Thoughts on Pain – Don’t Complain

Categories: My Daily Thoughts
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Published on: January 7, 2011

‘Thoughts on Pain’

Many want to hate and complain when they feel their pain

Those that do are not so few who see no sunshine only rain

Swallowing pride and forbearing pain most are not used to but

Without pain could we ever really know when we are happy? Without pain could we ever be grateful to our Lord?

A Tree

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Published on: January 7, 2011

A Tree

I wish I were a tree
Bowing with the wind
Obedient to Thee

This is Just a Song

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Published on: January 7, 2011

“This is Just a Song”

Now I can’t sing but I can write
I cant feel as good tonight
But I can write until its right
Sing my heart every day every night

I was very touched by this letter…

Categories: My Reads
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Published on: January 7, 2011

I was very touched by this letter and thought to share it in hopes of your thoughts and comments:

From: HayastAnFedayi
To: Jalal ibn Sa’eed

Hello my brother. I saw your video about Naik and exposing the scientific errors. I’m a devout Christian and a proud %100 Armenian. The begginning of the video was very touching when you are saying you want peaceful dialouge and peace and coexistence in society. My family suffered greatly during the Armenian Genocide, and my grandparents and parents raised me to respect others beliefs and? religions. It was ignorance that caused the Armenian Genocide, and we should learn from that and the subsequent Genocides after, including Darfur now.

Eyes of Delusion

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Published on: January 7, 2011

Eyes of Delusion

What I want to say is how much I am feeling deep inside
If only words weren’t so feeble and full of hesitant pride
I could deliver this soul to submission and no longer hide
Give me strength to do this task I need to obey and abide

Free Will by JISM

Categories: My Poems
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Published on: January 7, 2011

‘Free Will’

When the mighty tide rises the moon brings the clouds humbly towards the shore.
When the mighty tide breaks near the reefs the clouds thunderously roar.
When the mighty tide bows in awe revealing the once hidden ocean floor.
The programed tide rises again as its destined to do so just as it did before.
Yet feeble men are given free will unlike the mighty tide destined to the shore.
Imprisoned is man when he chooses his desires corrupting the souls core.
Freed is man when he sacrifices outdoing the tides prostration upon the shore.


A snowman will melt away but the sin of building it remains. The good deeds of those who sacrifice are like carved sculptures.

Has a Muslim ripped you off?

Categories: My Daily Thoughts
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Published on: December 31, 2010

Bismillah, Wa Salatu Wa Salamu ‘Ala Rassulillah,
As-Salaamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah,

Somebody made a comment about Muslims who sell Umrah trips rip other muslims off. We hear and see such things all the time and there are always Muslims who try to outdo the other in a transaction always hoping to come out with more than the other. This is seen as Muslims ripping off other Muslims. I had a slightly different view to this and I hope to share it seeing if anyone will agree or disagree insha’Allah. tell me what you think. (more…)

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