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Has a Muslim ripped you off?

Categories: My Daily Thoughts
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Published on: December 31, 2010

Bismillah, Wa Salatu Wa Salamu ‘Ala Rassulillah,
As-Salaamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah,

Somebody made a comment about Muslims who sell Umrah trips rip other muslims off. We hear and see such things all the time and there are always Muslims who try to outdo the other in a transaction always hoping to come out with more than the other. This is seen as Muslims ripping off other Muslims. I had a slightly different view to this and I hope to share it seeing if anyone will agree or disagree insha’Allah. tell me what you think. (more…)

Oh Allah

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Published on: December 31, 2010

Oh Allah

Oh Allah You are truly magnificant
Oh Allah You are truly Most Glorious
Oh Allah nothing is as Beautiful as you
Oh why do I stray away so oblivious

You kept me safe, You gave me life but all I want is to be with you
My mother says, and I confess, that to You I should always turn (more…)

The Night is Almost Over

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Published on: December 31, 2010

The heart pinches the mind with agony intertwined
Lost are words needing to be said but left untold
Confused are most with lifes testing host & deeds
Given a clean plate inscribed with fate we hold

Empty are words flying like birds without wings
Deadly is the tongue bitten by some with fear (more…)

Are we as dedicated as Sohaila and Farookh?

Categories: My Deen
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Published on: December 31, 2010

Are we as dedicated as Sohaila and Farookh?

Short Video reminder –
Sohaila and Faroukh

or read the text version: (May Allah reward the one who typed this up)

One day in the days of Bani Ummayah, rahimahumullah, after the Khulafaa’ ar-Raashideen, when Islaam used to be the dominant power in the whole Earth, when the Muslim country was the biggest country amongst all the others, and specifically in the city of the Prophet Sallallaahu `alaihi wa sallam, in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, there was a gathering, a Muslim gathering, of some sahaba and some tabi`een, attending a wedding of two young but yet righteous Muslims. These two were Sohaila and Farrookh. Sohaila was the wife and Farrookh was the husband. (more…)


Categories: My Poems
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Published on: December 31, 2010


Father. I am in Awe of you.
No mountain is as tall as you.
No harm falls upon me when I’m sheltered by you.
Allah is indeed Great for He created you.

Father. You are the hero within me.
You say your getting old but you mature and strengthen in me.
Some see you age but I see you in my youth.
I only hope to become as great as you.
May Allah always bless you with health and have Mercy upon you.
Father. I am yours.
Father. I am you.

~ For DaDajan
Jalal ibn Sa’eed

Lifes Sellers & Buyers

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Published on: December 31, 2010

Lifes Sellers & Buyers

Frustrated heart & anxious soul wanting a new sky
Life has dragged us through the trenches of desires
The scars don’t heal & the hole deepens hiding a lie
Deeprooted are sins & unforgivable say the liars
Unable to remain patient & steadfast & repent to fly
Frustrated love hungry and lost in burning fires
Waiting for the Angel to collect whats due in fear I cry
Final call & a final look at lifes sellers and buyers

By Jalal ibn Sa’eed

The Great Emptiness of the Soul

Categories: My Reads
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Published on: December 30, 2010

The Great Emptiness of the Soul
by Manwar Ali

Surely, before that, they indulged in ease and plenty.
[Surah al-Waqi’ah (56): 45]

Engrossed in the pursuit of our desires we keep ourselves back from reflecting upon the state of our souls. Scholars have always taught and lived by the truth that love of this world is the source of all error.

Umar (radhiAllahu ‘anhu) thought about the following words in the noble Qur’an:

Have you ever had a great idea?

Categories: Pool of Ideas
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Published on: December 29, 2010
Assalaamu ‘Alaikum,

I remember when I was in junior high school I had a great idea for sun visors in a car.  It was the middle piece that slides out from the two normal visors.  They then cover the sun from the part not covered behind the rear view mirror.  I drew the design and everything. Even showed it to my dad but just did not know what the next step is for an inventor.  They now have such devices in cars so someone else eventually thought of it and put it into cars.  I missed out.

Perhaps you have a great idea you would like documented and recorded so if you can achieve its conception and success then alhamdulillah but if you get stuck like I was then at least you will always have proof you THOUGHT OF IT FIRST. This pool can be ideas of any sort.  Organizational projects, charity campaigns and just about anything else you can think of.  This way if you and I can’t achieve something great maybe someone else who reads it here will.  They may even come back to give us a bit of credit but regardless we will get credit with Allah azza wa jall.  May Allah keep us sincere, ameen.

Share an idea now.  email  with subject “my great idea”

My Poems

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Published on: December 29, 2010

Roses need the rain like a poet needs the pain. If poetry was to take form it would be anything but the norm. The words at times may rhyme a hymn from hearts that bleed thoughts born from my whim. Enjoy what you read while tears fall in need to write the light which shines from within my soul.

My poems are here for you to share if you like but please do so by inviting others to this site to read them.  I would prefer that to copying and pasting it elsewhere.  Jazakum Allahu khairah.

Articles I have read or come across

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Published on: December 29, 2010

Often one finds the words of someone else to bring comforts and guidance or maybe just a bit more light shed where we can prosper in our understanding.  I will share some of the articles I feel others can benefit from also.

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